After travelling almost all over the world my piece that I did for the three country challenge (Japan/France/South Africa) has finally come home. There were 30 participants in each country and one from each country was given the same Movie Director to draw inspiration from and to create a piece. My Movie Director was Alain Resnais who I knew absolutely nothing about.
I chose the movie Hiroshima - mon amour as It was the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima, movie made by a French Director and the piece made by a South African ,,,,, all the dots connected the three countries. This challenge took place in 2010..
I have finally finished my Japanese Anemone piece.
I chose the spotty binding as I thought it softened the 'white' of the flowers, however, it 'dances' on the edge of the piece and is quite distracting. I think a more regular pattern would have been better. I may revisit this one.
Phil! My mother and I are admiring this piece and both think it is exquisite.