CHALLENGE 2013: This was a non happening but will be part of my next years work as I work thru the year
CHALLENGE 2012 : Each month I will choose a picture from last years challenge and create a fibre art interpretation of it or piece of it using at least one new technique each time.
CHALLENGE: 2011: 365 days in picture.
Monday, January 31, 2011
01 Feb 2011
Day 32:
From underneath the screen has crept this baby praying mantis, approx one and a half inches in size. I have probably blinded him by taking the picture as the flash went off and I was a couple of inches from him. He has run off behind the table so hopefully is okay. Thankfully he stood quite still as they can do a rocking movement which with my camera would have been difficult to get a clear shot with.
31 Jan 2011
Day 31:
Jan Smuts Avenue, Winston Park, Greater Durban. It must be the longest tree-lined road in KZN. Always a treat to drive thru.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
30 Jan 2011
Day 30:
A typical picture postcard snap today. Spent the afternoon at Durban Ski Boat Club which is just to the north of the northern breakwater of Durban Harbour. Windy, sea very choppy and blue bottles around so not a good day to swim other than that a great day. The size of the people on the beach gives you some idea of the size of the fully laden container ship leaving the harbour.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
29 Jan 2011
Day 29:
This ia a delightful embroidered block (approx 2 inch x 2 inch) done by one of the ladies from Hillcrest Aids Centre, an organisation that has a setup very near to me which includes a shop that sells the most wonderful pieces of art. What will I do with it? Not too sure. I have a collection of approx 5 of varying sizes and will probably put them altogether in a wall hanging.
Friday, January 28, 2011
28 Jan 2011
Day 28:
Unfortunately I disturbed him while trying to get into position . This is a friends cat who had made himself quite comfortable in a basket full of fabric while we were making a helluva racket having a meeting.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
27 Jan 2011
Day 27:
Yah! we have sun and blue skies. I was house bound for the morning waiting for a delivery so took a walk outside and discovered one of my day lilies was making the most of the sunny day. The colour is perfect and I am pleased with this snap.
I must add I snapped away at a number of things, even the dirty,leafy bird bath which gave me some wonderful pics with great contrast and shadows but decided this was the one for the day.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
26 Jan 2011
Day 26:
I was getting into the car at our local library and the little light that was shining thru all the rain clouds (yes, still raining!) picked out the moss that was growing down from the fork in the tree in front of me and I could not resist.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
25 Jan 2011
Day 25:
Battled for a pic today as I was teaching the whole day (free motion quilting!) so no exciting new works to snap and it has been raining all day as well. Slouching on the sofa while hubby prepared supper my eye caught this small pottery bowl amongst my collection of Andrew Walford bits and a big question mark appeared, It does look like it could be one of his but his famous mark is no where to be found. I did not actually purchase this piece but inherited it from mum so I will have to check with 'big sis' to shead some light on its origin.
Monday, January 24, 2011
24 Jan 2011
Day 24:
How 'english/country' looking is this shot! This was taken from within the sewing room of a fellow quilter while visiting today. Her roses were heavy with rain and battling to hold their heads up high. The bird looked like it had just flown in. Oh how ones imagination can run away with us.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
23 Jan 2011
Day 23:
An early afternoon visitor to the garden. Nothing spectacular other than I actually managed to get a picture before he fluttered off. I think he is the Common Bush Brown Butterfly (Bicyclus Safitza Safitza) and I say he because the males are dark brown.
An early afternoon visitor to the garden. Nothing spectacular other than I actually managed to get a picture before he fluttered off. I think he is the Common Bush Brown Butterfly (Bicyclus Safitza Safitza) and I say he because the males are dark brown.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
22 Jan 2011
Day 22:
It's summer and it's mango season. Came home with a packet which are not quite ripe but the wonderful colours of reds and greens.
Friday, January 21, 2011
21 Jan 2011
Day 21:
This is a ring which I purchased before Xmas which was not very expensive but very delicate and pretty. I have no idea what the 'resin' is but it is taking some hammering with wear and slowly cracking so I thought I had better capture it before it totally disintegrates. It always draws attention when worn.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
20 Jan 2011
Day 20:
Not the best shot, but this was my wow factor today. Tried a technique I have not used before printing a picture onto water 'wash-away paper' , applying a medium to both the picture and the fabric, placing the picture onto the fabric , print side down, and running a brayer over the area. Lifted a corner of the paper and checked and it was okay so removed the paper. My trial was the little picture and that is the result. Very happy!
I need to give credit to my son, Murray, whose picture it is of his lovely wife and my daughter-in-law, Jess on their wedding day.
Not the best shot, but this was my wow factor today. Tried a technique I have not used before printing a picture onto water 'wash-away paper' , applying a medium to both the picture and the fabric, placing the picture onto the fabric , print side down, and running a brayer over the area. Lifted a corner of the paper and checked and it was okay so removed the paper. My trial was the little picture and that is the result. Very happy!
I need to give credit to my son, Murray, whose picture it is of his lovely wife and my daughter-in-law, Jess on their wedding day.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
19 Jan 2011
Day 19:
I was at another guild meeting this morning and these flowers made up the back of a fellow quilters jacket - absolutely delightful!
I was at another guild meeting this morning and these flowers made up the back of a fellow quilters jacket - absolutely delightful!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
18 Jan 2011
Day 18:
Wow, I am now up to date. Hilary you will be proud of me plus a lot of friends will be laughing themselves silly as I swore blind I was not going to get caught up in blogging!!!
An unusal picture but one of my next group challenges is 'recycle' and although I have managed to link all the themes with the previous challenges I have decided to do something I have always intended to do and that is create a textile wedding momento of the bits I have collected from my eldest son's wedding, hence the tie, dried ivy from the flowers, invites etc etc.... This was the inveiling this morning!
17 Jan 2011
Day 17:
Took the dog for a walk down to my local stream. During the recent heavy rainfalls the stream has flooded with the water way up over the vegetation on both sides. This is still more water than normal and poor Monty could not understand where all the rocks had gone.
Took the dog for a walk down to my local stream. During the recent heavy rainfalls the stream has flooded with the water way up over the vegetation on both sides. This is still more water than normal and poor Monty could not understand where all the rocks had gone.
16 Jan 2011
Day 16:
A day at the beach and I could of posted some typically wonderful shots of large ships leaving the harbour or people swimming but I have opted for texture. This is what is left of a path down to the beach after years of wind and wear.
14 Jan 2011
Day 14:
......more rain. We remembered to treat out wooden bench prior to the rains hence when it does the water sits on top, previously in wonderful patterns . This will have to do.
13 Jan 2011
Day 13:
As a result of all the rain my back steps are covered in moss and small unwanted growth. It does make for a good picture but when wet these steps are now dangerously.
As a result of all the rain my back steps are covered in moss and small unwanted growth. It does make for a good picture but when wet these steps are now dangerously.
12 Jan 2011
11 Jan 2011
A piece of my work! Yesterday I picked up an artists canvas block to frame my entry in the Bernina Fantasy Fabric Challenge. I attached it to the block today and having yesterdays events still in mind I followed the thread theme and this is a section of the whole piece which I am delighted with.
10 Jan 2011
09 Jan 011
08 Jan 2011
Back home. This was another Xmas prezzi,e this time from my sister-in-law..... a cushion, but a cushion with an attitude. These two 'ladies' move around and change their pose each time somebody sits in the chair. They are opposite to where I normally sit so I have great fun watching their antics.
07 Jan 2011
06 Jan 2011
05 Jan 2011
04 Jan 2011
03 Jan 2011
02 Jan 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
01 Jan 2011
The Challenge! To take a photograph a day for 365 days of something that suddenly jumps out at me during the course of the day where ever I may be. Naturally when away from the normal run of the mill things I will be taking more than one picture but will choose one 'for the day'.
Day One. This is a glass paperweight bought back in the mid eighties in the Lake District, UK from a glassblower called Adrian Sankey(? - surname not very clear on base). After all these years I still find it very touchable and appealing.
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